エリーラ ペンドラ
えりーら ぺんどら
Elira Pendora
太陽に最も近い空からやってきた竜人 晴れの日の光が全てに平等に降り注ぐような優しさと包容力をもつ A sky dragon who came from the heavens closest to the sun. She has the kindness and receptiveness that makes the light of a sunny day fall equally on all.
太陽に最も近い空からやってきた竜人 晴れの日の光が全てに平等に降り注ぐような優しさと包容力をもつ A sky dragon who came from the heavens closest to the sun. She has the kindness and receptiveness that makes the light of a sunny day fall equally on all.
October 16